Mother's Day

My “Home Team”

My name is Melissa Vincent. I reside in a marvelous community situated near The Indianapolis Motor Speedway with my husband Roger, our son Ryan (10), and dog Penelope (5). Our trio has a passion for auto racing, traveling and outdoor activities. We indulge in kayaking, walking the historical trails around our quaint town and cooking together. I'm also a writer and the founder of Simply Spoken Life, which I've developed for the purposes of ministry and outreach. Roger is an Emmy Award winning freelance television director for various forms of motor sports. He's the calm in our storms and the bright beacon that keeps this family's course straight.

These Two…

Ryan is the perfect recipe of hilarious and smart. He's fantastic at math and STEM activities. He is also a talented joke writer and has mastered countless 3,000-piece Lego builds. Penelope is our full-bred Yellow Labrador. She has managed to maneuver her way into our hearts, our dinner parties, and our king-sized bed.

Academic Background

I have a BA in Communication from Purdue and recently earned a Certificate in Social Impact Storytelling from Georgetown University. It was holding space with the cohort of twenty other Georgetown students over Zoom that allowed me to believe my testimony had any value. Moreover, it was input from our remarkable professor, John Trybus, that sparked Simply Spoken Life into fruition. (This entire site is dedicated to you Professor Trybus because your input mattered the most. You were so kind to receive the content of my cancer journey with the tenderness I needed. Yet, you also found a way to speak into the spaces of my story that need richer wording and explanation. You will be forever upheld in my most joyous prayers. Thank you so much!) Meanwhile, my writing education continues. As of June 2022, I completed course work through UCLA Extension called The Psychology of Compelling Storytelling.

Read about my journey!